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New Faculty Members!

Additional Faculty
Wed, 06/16/2021 - 00:00

The Mississippi State Hospital Medical Staff and Psychiatry Residency Program wish to extend a warm welcome to new medical staff and core faculty members who are joining our team in 2021. Drs. Dakhlalla, Perkins and Talukdar bring a vast and impressive array of clinical and administrative experiences across multiple psychiatric subspecialties. 

Mississippi State Hospital is excited to be serving the needs of Mississippians struggling with brain disorders across the state. The new 24-resident Psychiatry Residency Program begins in July 2021 and aims to increase access to mental healthcare across our state by retaining more psychiatry physicians. 

These core faculty members are joining our exceptional medical staff members who are very excited to begin teaching the next generation of future psychiatrists. We are blessed to have them on board as our team continues to grow.